Kamis, 22 Oktober 2009

Value Global Bond Plus Can PLN

JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) is likely to increase the size of the global bond to more than USD1, 25 billion if the market response to the global bond PLN good.

"Well if its bid was more than we could have added up, we see first," said President Director of PT PLN (Persero), Fahmi Mochtar, Combination Meeting and Events Temu Alumni ITB in PLN Headquarters, Jalan Trunojoyo, Jakarta, Thursday (22 / 10/2009) night.

After the launch conducted in Hong Kong recently, PLN's team will conduct a number of roadshows to various countries like the United States and England.

Global bond issued by PLN size USD1, 25 billion, with the tenor or the 10-year loan and possible open for 20-30 years.

Because just released yesterday, he admitted not knowing the results of the offering and the global response to the bond market PLN. "No report, just dilaunch this morning. Hopefully a good response

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