Selasa, 27 Oktober 2009

Islamic Economics

Islamic Economics is a social science which studies the economic problems of the people who dilhami by Islamic values [1]. Islamic economic cooperation or economic system is different from capitalism, socialism, and state welfare (Welfare State). Is different from capitalism as opposed to the exploitation of Islam by the owners of capital to the poor laborers, and prohibits the accumulation of wealth [2]. In addition, the economy in the Islamic goggles are recommended as well as the demands of life that has a dimension of worship.

Islamic economic differences with the conventional economic

! Main article for this section are: Islamic Economics vs. conventional economic

Islamic economic system is very different from the capitalist economy, socialist or communist. Islamic economic nor in the midst of the economic system is the third. Very contrary to the capitalist a more individualized, a socialist who provide nearly all responsibility to its citizens and communist extremes [1], the Islamic economy and determine which form of trade that perkhidmatan can and can not in transaksikan [4]. Economics in Islam must be able to provide welfare for the whole community, provide a sense of justice, togetherness and family and able to provide greater opportunities for every business.

Characteristic of Islamic economics

Not much is mentioned in the Qur'an, and only the principles underlying it. For reasons that are very precise, the Qur'an and Sunnah lot of talk about how Muslims should behave as producers, consumers and owners of capital, but only a little about the economic system [5]. As expressed in the discussion above, in the Islamic economy should be able to provide greater opportunities for every business. In addition, Islamic economics emphasizes four qualities, among others:

1. Unity (unity)
2. Balance (equilibrium)
3. Freedom (free will)
4. Responsibility (responsibility)

Humans as representative (the Caliph) of God in the world is not likely to be individualistic, because all the (wealth) is in the earth belongs to God alone, and man is his belief in the earth [2]. In running its economic activities, Islam is forbidden usury activities, which in terms of language means "excess" [6]. In the Quran surah Al Baqarah verse 275 [7] mentioned that people who eat (take) usury [8] can not stand but as stands the devil possessed people because (pressure) derangement [9]. Their situation is such that, is because they say (think), actual trading is like usury, but Allah has justifies the sale and purchase and forbids usury ..

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