Kamis, 22 Oktober 2009

Solar Universe Disband E-SSIA.com Inc

AKARTA - PT Surya Semesta Internusa Tbk (SSIA) has dissolved E-SSIA.com Inc., which is none other than a subsidiary company fully owned and registered in the Cayman Islands.

"We were informed that on October 21, 2009, we have dissolved the E-SSIA.com Inc., a subsidiary company owned 100 percent and recorded in the Cayman Island," said Vice President Director Eddy P Wikanta, in his written statement to the Indonesia Stock Exchange ( BEI), in Jakarta, Friday (23/10/2009).

In connection with this, the company through the subsidiary has sent a written request removal from the list of companies in the Cayman Island to the proper authority in the country. "The value of investment in subsidiary companies are not material," he added.

JCI trading session on the first, the stock price with the issuer code SSIA in a position to move stagnant Rp400 per share.

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