Kamis, 22 Oktober 2009

Arab & China Investors Interested in Investing in Papua

JAKARTA - PT Bank Mandiri will bring together the business, especially customers, with local governments in Papua and its board of Papua mat Investment Day, 8 October. One of these red plates bank will bridge the funding imbalance that had a kid.

"Until now, existing investors from Saudi Arabia and China who have invested in Papua. Do not let investors in the country just behind the investment there," said Chief Economist for Mirza Adityaswara Bank Mandiri in Jakarta, Thursday (1/10/2009) .

Mirza describes the potential of Papua suitable for any investment. Because all this time still form the majority of forest land and has not been utilized. But behind the forest, tucked mining (copper, coal, nickel, even gold). Another form of palm oil, minerals, and fisheries potential.

Only this time there are still many obstacles Papua. Later the government will also urged to immediately realize a good infrastructure of roads, ports and airports to speed up development.

"All this potential is a manufacturing region of Java, Kalimantan, for coal, suitable for Sulawesi Nickel and cocoa. While Papua provides that," he added.

Until the first half of 2009 the total third party funds (DPK) of Bank Mandiri in Papua approximately Rp1, 3 trillion. While total credit approximately Rp280 billion.

Chief Financial Officer of Bank Mandiri Pahala financing Mansuri claimed in Papua is still low when compared with the national financing. But at least the next two years, the amount of funding there will be increased.

To anticipate this, the bank has made an additional development areas in the eastern region to speed up the financing. So far, Bank Mandiri has had three development areas in Jakarta and eight regions outside Jakarta.

"We have permission from Bank Indonesia has left for funding to develop there. This includes opening new branch offices to speed up decision-making process. Including future efforts devoted to children," said Pahala.

In a later meeting, officials will participate is the Governor of Papua Barnabas Suebu, West Papua Governor Abraham O Atururi, Merauke Regent John GLUBA Gebze, Regent of Mimika, Manokwari, Fak Fak, and Mayor Bintuni Sorong. While its customers, the bank invited 60 customers snapper in the country who have a large capitalization.

"Customer snapper include Sinar Mas, Medco Group and state-owned holding company. Even Medco Group already had a garden there. So we will continue it," added Pahala

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