Senin, 26 Oktober 2009

Singapore Industry Down 7.7%

SINGAPORE - The number of Singapore's industrial production declined by 7.7 percent in September (year on year / yoy). This production reduction occurred evenly across all industry sectors.

Based on data from Economic Development Board (EDB) as quoted by AFP on Monday (26/10/2009), when compared to August period (month to month), the level of production in Singapore fell back even more, which decreased by 9.1 percent .

Singapore is a country made economic indicators, namely the views of the manufukturnya each quarter. The manufacturing sector, experienced a crisis which hit quite hard by the economic crisis. The reason, experience attenuation export performance due to its potential export markets namely the U.S. can not be recovered.

As for industrial engineers, including industrial machinery and systems (Softwere) registered a decrease terpesatnya each for 14.3 percent (yoy) and 12.1 percent compared to the previous month.

As for Biomedical industry fell 13.9 percent after a sharp increase of 97.7 percent at the end of last month. The electronics industry slowed down only 1.1 percent, the chemical industry fell 8.7 percent, and transportation industries fell 8.1 percent.

In calculations, for the period January-September 2009 industrial Singapuran decreased 6.9 percent compared to the same period last year

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