Senin, 09 November 2009

Wall Street drop Anticipation Index

In recent weeks, investors on Wall Street, New York, more often experience instability index (volatility), often up and down. Thus, some observers predict that the big rally that started in early March and may have ended.

In the last 12 trading days, the price index Dow Jones industrial stocks often rise and fall of more than 100 points. On Thursday, the Dow had soared by 205 points, making it the index rises almost 53 percent greater than the closing on March 9 last.

However, a day later, the Dow actually fell nearly 108 points after the government of the United States (U.S.) revealed rising unemployment rate for October, which is a 10.2 per cent.

In the last two months, only eight days in which the Dow could reap more than 100 points. Thus, observers predict that the decline in the index could be more frequent.

"We have experienced great rally and reach the highest results," said Scott Burns of Morningstar Inc. analysts. "But now comes the uncertainty regarding the health service sector and unemployment. The investors are now totally confused what to do. That's what causes instability appear," Burns continued.

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